Trajectory Planning, Odometry, Feedback Control, Coppeliasim
This project focused on developing software to control the youBot mobile manipulator, a four mecanum-wheeled base and a 5R robotic arm. The goal was to create trajectory planning, odometry, and feedback control to enable precise end-effector manipulation.
The youBot picks up a block from a specified location, transports it to a target position, and releases it. These capabilities were visualized in the CoppeliaSim simulation environment.
The end-effector trajectory was defined in eight segments using a combination of CartesianTrajectory
and ScrewTrajectory
functions from the modern-robotics library.
The kinematics of the youBot were simulated using first-order Euler integration. The inputs included:
The outputs predicted the next configuration. The transformation matrix for the chassis was computed based on the odometry equations.
The FeedbackControl
function was implemented to compute the kinematic task-space feedforward and feedback control law. This method involved: