Catherine Maglione


Turtlebot and Dancer

ROS2, Python, C++, YoloV8, OpenCV

Project Overview

For my winter project in my robotics master’s program, I am choreographing and coding a symbiotic dance between a TurtleBot3—a compact mobile robot—and a human dancer. This project investigates the interplay between spatial awareness, the concept of home, and human-robot collaboration in a creative context.

Through illuminated pathways, the TurtleBot3 and dancer create visible traces of their movements, engaging in a dialogue about presence and belonging in space. The piece uses machine learning to analyze these light-drawn patterns, enabling both the robot and human to respond dynamically to each other’s movements while collaboratively generating ephemeral maps of shared territory.

Inspired by Shannon Dowling’s improvisational principles and Laban Dance Movement Analysis, this project blends performance art and robotics to explore themes of connection, space, and identity.

I am actively documenting my progress and updating my GitHub repository as I continue to work if you are interested.